Please welcome authors Francine Rockey and Megan Litwin to Dynamic Book Duos– a blog featuring two books that pair together in a meaningful way along with coordinating educational activities to strengthen reading skills. This week’s Dynamic Book Duos pairing features the Everyday Magic Outside Your Door.
PERFECT PAIR: Everyday Magic Outside Your Door
To Find Treasure in the Mountains written by Francine Rockey and illustrated by Kendra Binney and Twinkle, Twinkle, Winter Night written by Megan Litwin and illustrated by Nneka Myers use beautiful lyric language to celebrate the everyday magic that surrounds us. Both books encourage readers to appreciate the enchantments right outside their door!
Book 1: To Find Treasure in the Mountains

With sturdy shoes and a sense of adventure, three young children hike through the sparkling woods to find treasure in the mountains. No pirate’s map or magic wand required! Outside, there is always something wonderful just around the bend.
Is that treasure hidden in a hollow old tree trunk? Does treasure gleam near the lizard with the bright blue belly? Can the feathery flight of a great gray owl hint at treasure? Yes, yes, and yes! Because all steps into the wild lead to nature’s treasures. This lovely picture book highlights discoveries and connections that come from sharing time outdoors together.
Book 2:

Whether it’s the moon in the crisp, cool sky, flickering candles in a neighbor’s window, or the dazzling lights strung up about town, winter is a time of glowing warmth and cozy closeness. Twinkle, Twinkle, Winter Night captures this charm, making it perfect for bedtimes and sing-alongs on days when the sun goes to sleep early—and winter wonders shine bright.
Celebrate winter with this magical twist on a beloved nursery rhyme that brings the shimmering season of lights to life.
Educational Activities:
Activity for To Find Treasure in the Mountains

Activity for Twinkle, Twinkle, Winter Night: A Light-Filled Treasure Hunt
There is so much beauty outside on a winter’s night! Can you find these treasures the next time you go on walk or drive?

Activity for To Find Treasure in the Mountains and Twinkle, Twinkle, Winter Night
Ask students to compare the flora and fauna depicted in each book. Challenge them to see how many plants and animals are in both stories. Then have them share the examples from both stories they have seen in person!
Meet the Authors: