A secret superhero lies beneath Yellowstone National Park...
In a wonder-filled trip through an iconic destination, discover the spectacular powers of the supervolcano hidden below the ground. WHOOSH! SIZZLE! BLOOP! Visit the volcano's exploding geysers, boiling mud pots, and much more.
But what does a hero do best? Help others! The Yellowstone Supervolcano doesn't just dazzle tourists. Learn how its superpowers support a thriving ecosystem, helping feed and protect the unique wildlife year after year.
"Mighty Mahi" is marvelous--a heartwarming, true tale of a wounded green sea turtle's two-year journey back to its ocean home, an inspiring story of everyday activism and hope, and resounding proof that we can make real change--even the smallest of us--if we just band together. Three cheers for Mahi. Three cheers for all those who cared! And three cheers to Suzne Jacobs Lipshaw for bringing us this empowering story."
-Candace Fleming., award winning author of Giant Squid and Honeybee
I Campaigned for Ice Cream is an upbeat, educational, and heartwarming true story of nine-year-old Josh who petitioned his local government to change an outdated law that prevented ice cream trucks from driving through his town. Complete with adorable illustrations by Wendy Leach, this sweet book is a tasty treat for young readers as well as a lesson that they too can make a difference in their communities. Relive Josh's passionate journey as he works to bring the joy of ice cream trucks to his town.
*Literary Classics Gold Award Educational Picture
*Literary Classics Gold Award Inspirational Picture Book
*Recommended by The Leader in Me - Best Kids Books of 2020