About ME! Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw, but you can call me Suzanne. Us = My devoted husband Marc + my incredible sons Josh and Jeremy + my furry writing buddy…Ziggy!Author of children’s books – mostly informational fiction and nonfiction.Never want to stop learning.Need to read—big fan of the Harry Potter series (BTW, I’m a Hufflepuff).Educator who’s all about encouraging and engaging developing readers. Jazzed about science—especially space, nature, and oceanography. Also dabbles in interior design. Cayaking* is one of my favorite pastimes (*I know it starts with a K, but there’s no K in my name). On my yoga mat at least twice a week. Born and raised in Michigan—still livin’ in and lovin’ the Great Lakes State. Spend my Sunday mornings hiking no matter how crazy the Michigan weather gets. Live on a peaceful lake.Ice cream! Pizza! Starbuck’s hot chocolate!Paul is my favorite Beatle; did I mention I’m a Beatles’ fanatic?Sunshine and sunsets!Happiness is spending time with my family.Always willing to help a friend.Want to be remembered as a mother, teacher, and author whose passion was growing young minds. ENJOY THESE BLOGS, VIDEOS, AND PODCASTS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ME, MY WRITING, AND MY TEACHING! For Blogs Related to THE LEADER IN ME Click Here Reading with your Kids Podcast: The Super Volcano (start audio at 30:40) 1-26-25 Behind the Scenes: Making Your Book Stand Out in a Crowded Market 11-15-24 The Yellowstone Spark Behind the Super Volcano11-5-24 SCBWI Mighigan Mitten Book Birthday Blog: The Super Volcano 11-5-24 Sailing into the Spotlight: The Super Volcano Makes Waves at the Blue Water Street Fair 8-5-24 SCBWI Michgain Mitten Blog: National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Prep8-26-22 Linda K, Scienkiewicz What, Why, How: Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw 5-2-22 SCBWI Michigan Mitten Book Birthday Blog: Mighty Mahi 3-1-22 Justin Colon Blog: Interview with Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw 2-20-20 SCBWI Michigan Mitten Blog: What the Heck is nErDcamp and why Go? 8-23-19 Author Spotlight: Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw 8-21-19 Book Echoes Podcast: Writing about Ice Cream and Civic Change 8-14-19 "The Splash" Person of the Week Video: Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw 7-29-19 Reading with your Kids Podcast: 4th of July Special Episode 7-4-19 "The Splash" Exclusive Video Interview: Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw 5-14-19 SCBWI Michigan Mitten Book Birthday Blog: I Campaigned for Ice Cream 4-30-19 Rinda Beach Blog: Meet Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw 3-3-19 SCBWI Michigan Mitten Blog: Am I Really a March is Reading Month Author? 8-13-18